About Us
Mattingly Thaler Architecture is an architectural, planning and interior design firm with a broad range of projects and experience. Our firm was founded in 1988, and we pursue two key goals: excellence in design and the provision of the highest level of professional service to each client. We customize our service by integrating your needs and desires with skillfully detailed materials. At Mattingly Thaler Architecture we are adept at putting together the perfect design and construction team for your project.

Our Design Process is Collaborative
We emphasize a close working relationship with our client, the project team and the local community as the project progresses through each phase of the design process. While we intend our architecture to work in the world of art, we will not impose pre-conceived solutions or pursue eccentric innovation for its own sake.
The design process shapes and is shaped by the client's ideal program, specific needs for both now and planned for in the future, the geographic location and economic constraints placed on the construction.
We are dedicated to the resolution of the inherent contradictions in life and to finding a true balance between desires and reality.